Kick-off Meeting between PT. Lensa Esa Internasional and PT. Timerindo Perkasa International was held on October 9th, 2018 at Menara…
Month: October 2018

9 Digital HR Terms Every HR Professional Must Know
Digital HR has garnered a lot of interest from HR professionals and business leaders for the way it is changing…

Emotional Intelligence – A key Leadership Competency
Emotional intelligence is the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously…

Can Technology Mitigate the Challenges in Recruitment?
The first set of challenges begin when inputs from the recruiting function are not considered during the organization planning and…

Leading with a Good Brain - Neuroleadership
Over the last 25 years we have learnt more about how our brain functions than in the entire history of…