Performance Management Keeping Score Real Time
Continuous performance management is a powerful tool to direct organizational resources towards achieving the strategic objectives. The agility it offers is especially relevant for today’s…

The Employee of Tomorrow
Most of the ‘intelligent’ organizations hire on the potential of future success and heavily weigh personality when determining the best among potential employees. Despite the…

Businesses Need Payroll Software
Why Your New Small Business Needs Payroll Software You’re a new small business and the world is at your feet — as area 100 million other clichés…

Save Money with a Great Human Resources Team
Many organizations don’t think appropriate Human Resources, management is a beneficial part of their organization and simply see it as an unnecessary cost. Human Resources,…

5 Steps to Investing Wisely in Human Capital Development
“Human capital development” has definitely achieved buzzword status. As a phrase, it’s ubiquitous in the entrepreneurship and business-oriented press. You can even study it through…

Understanding the Different Types of HR Software
As an HR professional, you’re probably already using some sort of software application to manage employees within your organization, if you aren’t – how are…

Why You Should Turn Your Workplace Into a Constant Classroom
Keeping employees productive, engaged, and satisfied makes sense for a wide range of reasons. In fact, questions involving employee engagement filter throughout Gallup’s annual State…

Why Mindfulness Is Your Greatest Productivity Tool
What would you say is your greatest productivity tool? Most professionals or entrepreneurs would probably cite an app–a project management platform, a time tracking tool,…

Here’s How Storytelling Enhances Leadership Presence and Self-awareness
What is storytelling? Language has been a key tool since the very beginning of development to communicate thoughts and put the mind into action. Storytelling,…

Continuous Learning is the Key to Future-proofing Your Career
Continuous learning has ceased to be a buzzword now and has turned into a necessity for companies, talent leaders and employees to succeed in the…

Here's How to Offer Competitive Benefits Without Sacrificing Salary
In a tightening labor market, employees expect (and receive) higher salaries and better benefits. Businesses must find innovative ways to stay competitive and attract top…

‘Great Teams’ are Built on Differences, not Similarities
Prem Singh, President – Global Human Resources at Wockhardt, shares insights on the evolution of HR practices and growing needs of businesses and the impact…